Half Term Information Spring 1 2024

In Topic this half term, we have adventured not only around the world but also up into space! We learnt about David Attenborough and his work towards helping our planet. We also learnt about Neil Armstrong and his team as they ventured to the moon. We appreciated that Neil’s moon landing speech wasn’t perfect, however that didn’t prevent it from being brilliant!

In Music, we have expanded our singing, performing and acting skills through our performance of ‘Eddie The Penguin Saves The World’. The children managed three consecutive days of performing and each one was fantastic! They should all be so proud of themselves for standing up and getting onto that stage!

In DT, we researched and designed our own kites, after researching different kite designs. We thought about how to keep our kites as aerodynamic as possible, whilst making them structurally sturdy.

In Science, we extended our knowledge of the world and how global warming is heating it up with increasing speed. We completed some experiments to explore predictions based on environmental topics: we tested how quickly ice melts when covered, or not covered, with cling-film to simulate global warming and we visited each KS1 and EYFS classroom to see which electrical appliances were switched on and in use, and which were switched on but not in use. It was interesting to view our results and draw conclusions about how we can better look after our world.

In RE this half term, we have been learning about the beliefs and practices of Muslim families. It was wonderful to be able to draw on the experiences of the children in our class who follow the Muslim religion and for them to share their own religious learning with us

Children’s comments about their learning:


“Even though it is a small change it can still make a big difference.”


“I wish we could do a performance every term!”

Useful website links to continue learning at home:
https://www.letterjoin.co.uk/ (username: lj2478 password: home)