Half term information Autumn 1 2023

As the children come to the end of their first half term in Reception, it is almost hard to remember their first day, back at the beginning of September. The children have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know one another and the adults that teach and help them. Their smiles, enthusiasm and eagerness to learn, shows just how far they have come in a matter of weeks. They have most certainly settled into school life at Monkfield Park.


Learning letter sounds has become part of daily learning in Reception. The children enjoy taking on the role of a teacher themselves and practising sounds and words together.


We shared our food likes and dislikes with one another and then taste tested a variety of fruit. Some of these were new to us, such as a pomegranate.


Thorough our senses topic, we had lots of fun exploring different scents too. Along with using our bodies to move in different ways.


In maths the children have been immersed into learning all about the numbers 1,2 and 3 - even counting actions!


What fun we have had in our first term in Reception!