Early Years Foundation Stage Documents

The Statutory Framework sets out the expectations for all Reception children and has the Early Learning Goals included for each area of learning. Being aware of these will assist you understanding the outcomes we aspire to for your child and assist you in supporting your child in achieving these goals when working with your child at home.
For each ELG, teachers must judge whether a child is:
• meeting the level of development expected at the end of the EYFS (and should be assessed as ‘expected’); or
• not yet reaching this level (and should be assessed as ‘emerging’).
The ELGs are based on typical child development at the age of 5, so most children are likely to meet the ‘expected’ level of development. Teachers should use their professional knowledge of the child to decide whether each ELG description best-fits the child’s learning and development. 
At Monkfield Park we use the non statutory document Development Matters which helps us as practitioners to support children's learning and development, by closely matching what we provide to a child's current needs. The Characteristics of Effective Learning and the prime and specific Areas of Learning and Development are all interconnected.